AGCB Linux droppings

new software installed Screenfetch. running it in terminal as "screenfetch" you get a printout overview of the system.

#arch #manjaro #linux #screenfetch #terminal

current alias @ ~/.bashrc as of mid-January 2017

  1. alias v="cd ../"
  2. alias vv="cd ../../"
  3. alias vvv="cd ../../../"
  4. alias f="ls -al --group-directories-first"
  5. alias t="touch"
  6. alias md="mkdir"
  7. alias rd="rmdir"
  8. alias s="subl3"
  9. alias fire="firefox"
  10. alias c="clear"
  11. alias cp="cp -i"
  12. alias df='df -h'
  13. alias free='free -m'
  14. alias u="pwd"
  15. alias ff="sudo pacman -Syyu"
  16. alias openalias="s ~/.bashrc"
  17. alias sf="screenfetch"

#alias #aliases #linux #terminal #hotkey #jan2017 #2017

Fish shell is a new shiny toy. Install in Arch was as simple as "sudo pacman -S fish".

#terminal #fish #autocomplete #shell


my current way of running arch(manjaro) on a windows10 machine. I'm running a virtualbox. RightControlF is full screen and be sure to remember to save the machine state when you get out. rightControl-C to shrink it down to just another app running in windows. I'd ideally have the machine dual booting to arch and windows but I couldn't figure it out. This works for now. as of July 8th 2017 #virtualbox #linux #manjaro #dualboot #windows


is a cool system monitoring tool that runs in terminal. You see processes, disk usage, ram usage, mem/swap history and cpu history.#linux #terminal #top #monitoring #github #shiny

